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The Scoop

Queer Books With Happy Endings

Too often throughout literary history, queer characters have been denied happy endings. For years, that was because publishers wouldn’t release a book without queer characters receiving some kind of tragic punishment for what was seen as social deviation. Later, as times changed, queer characters were denied happy endings because society literally couldn’t imagine them. These days, we’re so lucky to live in a world where queer stories and queer joy is given space to thrive, and queer romance is a growing genre full of guaranteed happily every afters! But if you want to explore more happy queer books beyond romance, then we’ve rounded up fifteen recent queer books with happy endings that you’ll enjoy!Continue Reading

10 of the Best Homesteading Books

If there’s anything that living through a pandemic has taught us, it’s that being a bit more self-sufficient and sustainable can come in handy during a global disaster! All jokes aside, whether you have full-on homesteading dreams or you just want to learn how to grow more of your own food and live more sustainably, here are ten of the best homesteading books to get you started! You can start small or go all in, and these homesteading books will guide you on your way.Continue Reading

The Best Marketing Books to Help You Up Your Game

Marketing isn’t an exact science, but there are tips and tricks of the trade to help you figure out how to build a brand that works for you. It doesn’t matter if you’re a small business owner, a creative trying to sell your work, or an employee at a company that sells a product you care about, these are the marketing books will help you learn how to market and sell a product you believe in!Continue Reading

Between the World and Me Book Club Questions

Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates is a National Book Award winner, bestseller, and finalist for the Pulitzer Prize. It’s a tremendous work of nonfiction that addresses the realities and history of being Black in the United States, and the legacy of white supremacy. If your book group has picked up this book for their next meeting, we have some tips and Between the World and Me book club questions for making your discussion run smoothly.Continue Reading

Cozy Books for When You Need a Literary Hug

When the world is a lot or you’re feeling down, sometimes you just need to read some books that make you feel cozy. The definition of cozy books may vary for everyone. Of course, there are cozy mysteries which, by definition, don’t have lots of violence, sex, or swearing, but maybe mysteries aren’t your jam. That’s why we’ve complied this list of happy-making books in all genres that are light on heavy topics and brimming with happiness!Continue Reading

The Best New History Books to TBR in 2021

William Shakespeare famously wrote “what’s past is prologue,” which is just a fancy way of saying that knowing our history matters. If you’re a big history book reader, then we’ve rounded up ten new releases in history books that you’ll definitely want to read in 2021. Spanning across the globe and reaching back through the centuries, there’s a book here for every interest!Continue Reading

The Most Popular Books of 2020

If you’re data nerds like us, you’re probably curious to know what the most popular books of 2020 were. We’ve already shared what the most recommended hardcover books of 2020 were in our hardcover tier, but now we’re going to dive into the most popular books in the reading world. We’ve analyzed sales data, big book club picks, and top library checkouts to come up with twenty of the most popular books of 2020 you don’t want to miss, broken down into various genres!Continue Reading