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20 Excellent Sci-Fi Book Recommendations For 2020

20 Excellent Sci-Fi Book Recommendations For 2020 | TBRCalling all science fiction fans! If you want to get a jump on the best new sci-fi books of 2020, we’ve got you covered! This list of new sci-fi book releases will help you plan your 2020 reading and ensure you don’t miss any of the amazing new books coming out. From standalones to sequels, exciting new debuts and new books from sci-fi greats, there are sci-fi book recommendations for every type of sci-fi reader here!Continue Reading

20 of the Best Book Club Books for 2020

A new year means a fresh slate for new book club books! As your club begins picking books for another great reading year, make sure you consider these twenty picks–the best fiction and nonfiction book club books from the end of 2019 and what will certainly be the most talked about new releases of 2020. No matter your club’s genre preferences, we’ve got some great book club ideas for everyone, from big-name authors to must-read debuts!Continue Reading

10 Books Like EDUCATED by Tara Westover

Educated by Tara Westover is the moving memoir of a woman who grew up far outside society in the wilderness of Idaho, raised by parents who believed in survival, resilience, and obedience. But from a young age, Tara realized she wanted more out of life and began pursuing an education, which expanded her world. It’s been a book club favorite, and inspired a lot of great discussion points. If you loved Tara Westover’s memoir, then here are ten more amazing books like Educated, read-alikes that are a nice mix of memoir and fiction, all about complicated parents, interesting childhoods, and survival.Continue Reading

The Best History Book Subscription Boxes

Book subscription services have exploded in popularity, and there are so many to choose from these days. Even though they vary in genre and theme, it can be difficult to find subscription services for particular genres and sub-genres. Lots of services offer YA or mystery or children’s books, but very few offer exclusively historical fiction, history books, or nonfiction. However, never fear! We’ve rounded up a list of history book subscription boxes and services so that you can find the perfect box that will help you dive into the past with an amazing book. Here we go!Continue Reading

Daisy Jones & The Six Book Club Questions

Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid is one of the most talked about books of 2019, and for good reason. It’s a compelling novel written in the form of oral history that explores the meteoric rise to fame of a fictional singer and band in the 1970’s, and their ensuing dramatic split. It’s even been picked up by Reese Witherspoon’s book club, so you know it’s a great discussion-worthy book! If your club has decided to read it, we have 15 book club ideas that address Daisy Jones & The Six book club questions, themes, characters, and more, plus a few book club activity ideas! Go ahead and put on Rumours by Fleetwood Mac and get ready for a great book club meeting! Continue Reading

15 Horror Movies Based on Books

What do you find scarier–horror movie or horror books? No matter what your preferred medium for frights and jump scares, quality story trumps everything, and some of the best horror movies out there are based on books! We rounded up a list of great horror movies based on books–some classics, some new horror books–that should be on all horror fans’ radars. We left out Stephen King books and adaptations because let’s be real–it’s news when he writes a book that isn’tadapted. Note: When it comes to horror movies based on books, the genre tends to skew white and male. We hope that publishing and Hollywood can strive to be more inclusive going forward.Continue Reading

Everything You Want to Know About TBR Bibliologists

The magic of TBR: Tailored Book Recommendations is that each reader is given personalized book recommendations from a real power reader, called a Bibliologist. TBR wouldn’t be able to run without them! But who are these masked readers behind the TBR curtain, and how did they come to wield so much bookish power? Here is everything you need to know about our TBR Bibliologists and how they make the recommending magic happen!Continue Reading

If I Cancel Audible, Do I Lose My Credits?

We know how easy it is to sign up for Audible, and then let your monthly credits pile up! Whatever your reason for deciding to cancel Audible, one big question looms: If I cancel Audible, do I lose my credits? The short answer is yes. However, don’t despair! There are a few options for you, and we’ll answer all your questions about canceling Audible and whether or not you have the option to gift Audible credits before you make the break.Continue Reading

15 Perfect Romance Book Club Recommendations

Is your book club ready to turn up the heat? Whether or not your club makes a habit out of reading romance novels, we all can use a little bit of happily ever after in our reading lives, and there are more great, diverse romance novels than ever out there! If you’re looking to pick up a romance novel, here are fifteen of the best romance book club recommendations of the year for your next meeting!Continue Reading

The Best Sci-Fi Book Subscriptions For You

Book subscription services are plentiful, but very few services offer readers science fiction books and science fiction only! If you’re a big reader and thinking about treating your shelf to a sci-fi book subscription, your options may be more limited, but it’s not impossible! We’ve rounded up the ten best sci-fi book subscription services around, breaking them down by costs and perks! So whether you’re looking for your next great read, or sci-fi book club recommendations, we’ve got you covered!Continue Reading