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15 Books Like RED RISING by Pierce Brown

Red Rising by Pierce Brown is an exciting dystopian novel about a young man named Darrow who is a Red, the lowest caste of society that has colonized Mars. They work long, hard days to make the surface of the planet habitable for humanity, believing that their work and sacrifice will benefit future generations. But when Darrow’s wife discovers that the surface of the planet has been habitable for decades and that the Reds toil as cheap labor for the ruling class, her discovery leads to her execution…and Darrow becomes a revolutionary. Red Rising is the first in the Red Rising Saga, and it is an exciting dystopian series that has massive appeal for adult and YA readers alike. If you’re looking for more great reads after marathoning the series, then pick up any of the these sci-fi, dystopian, and fantasy books like Red Rising!Continue Reading

The Best Cinnamon Roll Heroes in Romance Novels

Book cover of Take a Hint Dani Brown by Talia HibbertRomance heroes often get pegged as the strong and silent type, or brooding and overprotective, but we love a good cinnamon roll hero! Cinnamon rolls heroes are kind, supportive, and unfailingly sweet, with lots of layers. They’re almost too good for this world…kind of like the cinnamon rolls they’re named after. Some of these characters’ cinnamon roll qualities might be a bit deceiving or hidden at first, but they’re there, we promise! If you love heroes who are soft and squishy on the inside, then check out this list!Continue Reading

18 Of The Best College Romance Books

Heading off to college can be a really exciting time full of firsts–first time on your own, first time in a new setting, first roommates, and for many, first loves and first time having sex. College romance books can be really tricky to find because they often fall in that nebulous age between adult and YA, and while New Adult was popular for a brief period, that age categories never really took off the way it should have. So this list is a nice mix of YA and adult books, all set in college, with some great romances that run the range from sweet to very sexy! Note: There is a notable lack of queer love stories set in college. Hopefully publishing will address this lack in the future.Continue Reading

15 Darling Books Like Bridgerton

Collage of book covers of 15 darling books like BridgertonDear gentle readers, perhaps you’ve fallen for the Bridgerton siblings as of late, and are pining for more romance series or books like Bridgerton. Whether you’ve read the books or watched the Netflix adaptation, please know that there are plenty more books set in the Regency era that will inspire and delight Bridgerton fans. We’ve compiled a list of romance and YA books like Bridgerton that will keep you swooning until season two makes its debut on Netflix! Continue Reading

15 Gorgeous Books That Make You Cry

Do you love a good tearjerker? There’s something so emotionally satisfying and cathartic about reading an emotional book that gets the tears going–and they don’t necessarily have to be sad books, either! The following are a nice mix of sad books for teens, sad romance books that make you cry, and heart-wrenching novels full of big emotions that will make you feel all the feels, and yes, probably give your tear ducts a workout!Continue Reading

The Best Historical Romance Novels

When someone says romance novels, all too often we envision book covers of a hero and heroine embracing in period clothing that is in various state of undress. Historical romance dominates the romance genre to be sure, but there’s so much more to historical romance than a drawing room setting and passionate embraces. Whether you’re familiar with historical romance or new to the genre, we’ve rounded up some of the best historical romance novels both past and present! Note: Traditionally this genre has been very white and very heterosexual, so while we made an effort to include as many books featuring queer romance and by authors of color, this is one area that romance publishing needs to improve on!Continue Reading